Two starving dogs on the verge of death make a heartwarming comeback

When Trio Animal Foundation received a call from the Chicago Police Department, two canines on the verge of death began their journey to a new life. The cops had just rescued two malnourished dogs from an abandoned building, and the animals were in desperate need of assistance.

The two canines, which they named Emmy and Oscar, were hurried to the rescue. Both dogs were anemic, dehydrated, and emaciated to the point of death. They were both in “starvation mode” and would have to be nursed back to health gradually.

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Photo credit: Facebook / Trio Foundation

And recover they did! Slowly but surely the two dogs began to gain back much-needed weight.

Emmy fell in love with one of her vet technicians while she was in the hospital, and he fell in love with her as well! “When Emmy was weak and didn’t want to leave Anthony’s side,” Trio writes on Facebook, “he would wrap her around his neck and carry her about like a small fawn… this is when Emmy was happiest.”

Emmy would go throughout the vet clinic looking for Anthony as she grew healthier.

Anthony got tears in his eyes as Emmy left the vet facility, and he knew “he couldn’t lose his favorite girl,” and Emmy formally joined Anthony’s family at the end of August.

Oscar, on the other hand, has fully recovered and is now looking for his special someone. He has received more therapy as a result of the rescue, and he has written:

“Over the course of Oscar’s training, he has demonstrated that he can trust people, play with dogs, and listen attentively. He is a happy-go-lucky dog for the most part, though he does have some fear issues left over from his past. Oscar need a home where someone will keep up with his training, be consistent, and confident in their ability to teach him the ropes. He might be an only dog or a playmate for your other dog….he’ll just go with the flow.

“Oscar is good in his crate, walks nicely on leash, rides well in the car, understands all of his basic commands, and enjoys playing.” He’s a slob, like most Bulldogs, and sleeps a lot.”


Oscar received an adoption application from Tyson and his family a few months into his recuperation. According to the Trio Foundation’s website, Tyson is an experienced dog owner with “lots of dog knowledge, and he also owned an American Bulldog girl named Aspen.” They set up a house visit for Tyson to meet his family, which included Aspen. Tyson hit it well with the family right away and was ecstatic to meet Aspen. Needless to say, it all worked out in the end.

Oscar’s rescuers write, “It didn’t take long to know Oscar had found his new folks, a family that would keep up with his training while providing the loving, safe, and fun home that our brave boy so deserved.”

It’s inspiring to watch how far Emmy and Oscar have progressed. These two dogs, who were on the verge of death, are now cheerful and full of the promise of love. Visit the Trio Animal Foundation’s website to learn more about the adoptable canines they have available.

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