A man rescues an orphaned kitten, and the kitten repays him with love.

Man Saves Orphaned Kitten—1 Year Later, Baby Still Repays Him With Endless Snuggles And Love

Is there anything more adorable than a kitten and a man? No, there isn’t, if your reactions to this narrative are any clue. So, to brighten your day a little, we’ve found a pair that will melt your heart.

Meet Baby!

As a kitten, Baby was abandoned. Fortunately, she was discovered by a caring human father who heard her meowing in his yard.
“I found this little one in a hole beneath the fence in my backyard,” he explained. “She was the runt, and her mother abandoned her after the litter was moved.”
The father tore down his rock wall to save Baby after hearing her lonely cries. He then began providing round-the-clock care for the small cat.
He stated, “She didn’t open her eyes for ten days.” “Every 2.5 hours, I woke up/came home to bottle feed and warm her bed.”

Baby finally opened her eyes on day 11 after receiving a lot of love and attention.

Baby was out exploring her new home as soon as she could see and walk.

Even though she was still just the size of a little sock, she enjoyed laying in the sun.

Baby is madly in love with the human who rescued her life now that she’s a little older.

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