Workers Break Down In Tears As Mama Orangutan Reunites With Her Kidnapped Baby

Workers Break Down In Tears As Mama Orangutan Reunites With Her Kidnapped Baby

At the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Clara the pregnant orangutan gave birth to Clarita, a baby orangutan girl. However, the sanctuary employees noticed that the newborn was missing from her chamber soon after she was born. ilovemydogsomuch writes

This protected sanctuary is usually free of poachers because it is located in the middle of a deep forest. The terrified staff, on the other hand, left no stone unturned in their search for Clarita, the kidnapped baby. They eventually discovered Rizki, a 14-year-old dominant male orangutan, holding the youngster captive!
Clarita was severely weakened when the workers freed her from the clutches of the alpha male abductor. She also had a skin condition that necessitated rapid care in the critical care unit. Clarita was finally out of danger after days of care, but she remained feeble.

The workers were afraid to reintroduce Clarita to Clara at this stage. While Clara had been inconsolable since her daughter vanished, the employees understood that if mama orangutans believe their young have no chance of surviving, they will reject and fight them.
We see the tense moments develop in this video as the employees carry Clarita to her distraught mother. Clara is initially perplexed, but she quickly yields to her maternal impulses and adores her daughter wholeheartedly!

The workers break down in tears as they see the emotional Clara clutching her baby tight while attempting to nurse her. The mama just wants to protect her precious child! We wish Clara and Clarita a long and healthy life together!

Click the video below to watch Clara’s painful turmoil as she reunites with her kidnapped daughter!

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