It’s great to hear the rescue stories, so today, we want to share one of them with you. The story of two adorable dogs rescued from a cardboard box will melt everyone’s hearts. Scroll down to check !


This all began when a man who worked in Dog Rescue Shelter noticed a cardboard box beside the road in Serbia. He stopped the car and approached the box to check what was in it. To his surprise, inside were two dogs who about three weeks old. The man checked around but found no sign of his mom or other dogs. It seemed like they were literally abandoned here by a cold-hearted owner.

How could someone leave behind two such adorable tiny animals? Sadly, they threw them away like garbage. Thank goodness, there are amazing, kind individuals who are prepared to save these animals and provide them with a second chance at life. Before bringing the famished puppies to the foster home, the rescuer made milk for them. They gave the female puppies here the names Meri and Mona.

They should have been raised for at least a month before being adopted. The two puppies have the best treatment, and soon they will be vaccinated against the first “puppy” infectious disease.

At two months of age, they will be ready to find a home. Fortunately, three months later, they were adopted by a loving family where they received care and love. They deserve to live a happy life. They become healthy and playful dogs.

Let’s follow their miraculous journey of change with care and love.
This is Meri. Good people adopted her.

After seven months, she has a great change.

Now, Mona lives in a loving home with her warm parents.

Did you recognize Mona after seven months ?

Watch the heartwarming account of two cute dogs who are saved from a cardboard box here:

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