Stray Kittens Born Without Eyelids Couldn’t Be Happier After Humans Saved Their Sight

Stray Kittens Born Without Eyelids Couldn’t Be Happier After Humans Saved Their Sight

Meet Dora and Felix, Dora’s brother. A kind couple noticed these two cute kittens roaming on the side of the road in New South Wales, Australia, and rescued and adopted them. The pair soon noticed something odd about the kittens’ looks…

They brought Dora and Felix to the RSPCA’s Blue Mountains shelter, where it was discovered that the kittens were born without eyelids. “The kittens were expected to go blind within a year without corrective surgery,” RSPCA NSW’s Patrick Jones wrote on his blog. “The surgery that Felix and Dora so sorely required was made possible thanks to the outstanding vets at the Eye Clinic for Animals (in Sydney).” The kittens emerged from surgery with new eyelids and a smile on their faces.

Dora and Felix are now 9 months old and in search of their permanent home. Jones stated, “Their foster carer would love to see the couple adopted together, but they would thrive on their own.”

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