Puppy Chooses Only The Fluffiest Dogs To Nap On At Daycare

There is something about a fluffy dog ​​that is so comforting. Sure, the fluffier your dog is, the more you’ll need to brush, but it’s worth it if you can rest your head on his stomach after a long day. Well, it turns out that other dogs are attracted to fluffy dogs too! Or at least one pup does when dropped off at dog daycare.

Meet Edna

dog sleeping on fluffy dog

Edna is a regular at doggy day care, and she absolutely loves playing with all her friends. She starts off her days running and playing for the first few hours, but like all of us, gets tired and needs a nap.

If you’re anything like Edna, you probably need a warm blanket to get comfortable for an afternoon nap. From her first days in doggy day care, Edna always sought out the fluffiest dogs, big or small, to catch a couple zzz’s on.

No Dog Seems To Mind

dog laying on fluffy dog

Sure, you might think that some of these dogs would be bothered to have a pup literally laying right on top of them, but everyone seems to be a big fan of Edna’s cuddle sessions. She’s getting bigger every day, but Edna doesn’t appear to be changing her nap habits anytime soon.

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