Poor Dog Found Chained to Fence in Freezing Rain Rescued by Officers

Pit Bull Found Chained to Fence in Freezing Rain Rescued by NYPD Officers

A Pit Bull was discovered tethered to a fence outside a Brooklyn park by two NYPD officers. The poor puppy was shivering in the chilly rain and was skin and bones. He was eventually liberated from the heavy chain around his neck after they made contact with animal control.

How the dog got up chained to the fence in Betsy Head Park is a mystery. The helpless dog was surrounded by trash and beseeched for assistance with sorrowful eyes. The skinny puppy was sent to a city shelter where he was in danger of being put to death. When one of the cops who helped save the dog learned he was in danger, Officer Pascale volunteered to adopt him.


The dog had never experienced love, but that was about to change. Joey was given to Officer Pascale for adoption. He posed with Joey, his new best friend, and Officer Levin, another officer who assisted in the dog’s rescue. Twitter users shared the image to announce the new adoption.

“On December 28, 2018, SRG PO Pascale Levin saw a thin dog chained to a fence outside Betsy Head Park. After being sent to a shelter, the dog faced euthanasia if no one accepted him. PO Pascale began the adoption procedure, and today he delivered “Joey” to his new, permanent home, according to a post on NYPD Special Ops.

I appreciate you taking the beautiful boy in. The dog-loving group reminded people on social media to keep pets inside due to the bitterly cold weather. Timmy is wrapped up from head to toe and isn’t planning on going outside while the weather continues to drop. Please keep pets inside during the dangerously cold weather.

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