Firefighters Tried To Rescue Two Clydesdale Horses After Falling Into The Ice.

It’s always inspiring to see people go out of their way to save animals in need. This happened when two Clydesdales were helplessly trapped in ice water before the rescue by local firefighters. In February 2019, two horses, Gunther and William, abandoned their farm near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Then, the horse walked on the ice and fell into the cold water. The local fire department was called to rescue Clydesdales, but because there was no easy way to rescue these heavy animals from the water, the operation proved difficult.”We can’t pick them up, put them on the ice, and then push them onto the boat,” Leon Clapper, chief of the Blue Ridge Hook Ladder Fire Company, told WNEP.But the crew quickly found a solution to keep the horses safe. With a chain saw, they can dig a trench in the ice to keep the horses safe.

Once the Clydesdales were on land, veterinarians were there to dry them off. The horses were shaking from the cold, according to neighbors who watched the scene unfold.

“He was just shaking and shaking and shaking, and his legs were just frozen, so they were bending his legs, moving his legs,” recalled neighbor Arlene Reading.

“Never in 54 years has this ever happened. We’ve never had an animal or a human lost in the lake, so this is a first.”

Then the horses returned to their home in Quiet Valley Farm, where everyone was very pleased with their return and they were recovering steadily. “Bless your heart, they are good horses, strong horses. This is definitely something to their advantage,” Deborah DiPasquale of the farm told WNEP. “I am glad to see that they have a good appetite and they all stand up. This is always an important sign of horses.”

According to Facebook updates, the horses have continued to get proper veterinary treatments. But while they’re both back on their feet, the farm will be making sure they don’t get into any more trouble.

“They are grounded for the foreseeable future: no after hours romps, girlfriends, cell phones, etc,” the farm joked.

Thanks to these quick-thinking firefighters, they brought these horses to a safe place! We are happy to hear that they are in good health and recovering!


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