Dog Is So Overjoyed To Reunite With Her Owner

Dogs always shout enthusiastically when they see their owners. However, only if you were gone for a brief period does your animal companion act as though you haven’t seen him in a long time and turn the situation into a drama. These responses, however, are unintentional; rather, they occurred organically and demonstrate the depth of a dog’s devotion to its owner.


Whatever the case, nothing compares to the expression on this 9-year-old Schnauzer’s face when she finally got to see her mother again! The dog, named Casey, hasn’t seen her human mom for more than two years, and he starts to get a little overexcited as soon as she takes her into her arms. The puppy appears to faint because her sense of happiness is so intense.


Rebecca went two years without seeing her dog in Slovenia. In dog years, two years equal fourteen years, so it must have seemed a lot longer for Casey. As a result, when Rebecca ultimately went back to Pennsylvania to marry her husband in her hometown, she was clearly overjoyed.

When Rebecca returned home, she couldn’t wait to meet Casey, who was overjoyed to see her loving owner again. Fortunately for us, Rebecca’s relatives captured the heartwarming reunion of the dog and its owner.

Casey begins wagging her tail as soon as she sees Rebecca, jumping up on her and smothering her in doggie kisses. Casey then falls on the ground and seems to be passing out as the thrill gets a bit too much for her.

Rebecca brought Casey to the vet soon after it to make sure he was alright. Fortunately, the vet told the family that the dog was OK and that it had most likely been overjoyed by the reunion.

We’re relieved to hear Casey is well and that she’ll be able to spend time with Rebecca; they’re such a lovely duo!

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