Beautiful Paint Foal Had The Funniest Reaction When He Got Water On His Back.

We have seen several videos of horses in funny moments being very playful and always up for some fun. They are very energetic, spirited, full of enthusiasm, and as soon as they get habitual around you, you know you have created a best friend for life.

Source: downundercolour/YouTube

In the video shown below, you will be presented to Zip, an adorable Paint foal who is not afraid to play and have fun despite being only 2-weeks-old when the video was recorded. The beautiful foal was staying with her mother when suddenly Jackie went near him and threw Some water on his back.

Source: downundercolour/YouTube

Needless to say, his reaction was simply priceless! Zip was doing everything he could to get rid of the water but nothing was working. His mother only wanted to relax outside in nature and she didn’t pay attention to Zip. Jackie thought it was best to help the little foal as he looked bothered by it. Zip was more than happy and nothing would stop him from exploring everything around him.






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