Beautiful Moment Between Special Needs Boy And A Horse Is Heart-Melting

Animal therapy provides a comforting and peaceful connection for individuals with various disorders. In the case of this young boy with Williams syndrome, interacting with a horse proved to be incredibly soothing. According to one of his parents:

“I have been working with horses for 15 years and could not believe the emotional intelligence a horse has how a horse can connect with special-needs children.

My son suffers from Williams syndrome. One of the problems among patients with Williams is connecting with others properly.They are very loving and affectionate and very cordial, enjoying attention, but often do not know how to connect.

The video shows the boy made initial contact with the horse and how the horse responds to the child’s curiosity with some concern but nevertheless contains it and get used to the speed and the natural movements of the child. The child seems excited about the meeting and the horse allows the child to cuddle. The horse went specifically to the child even though I was there, and he was not interested in me at all.

When I got home and watched the video I realized the power of that moment of my son and the horse. The horse followed every movement of the child, yet allowed the child to approach and contact him. When the boy hugged his leg and was close to him, the horse didn’t dare to change the angle it was standing, as if afraid to hurt him or step on the child the whole time the child was close to him. You can see the horse being attentive to the child every moment, even when it seemed he was just standing still and resting. The horse did not move his foreleg Although it was less convenient for him.


This touching video serves as a testament to the unique connection between animals and individuals with special needs.

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