Baby Horse Who Lost Her Mother Gets Introduced To Mare Who Lost Her Baby.

This mother lost her baby in labour. Two days later, the mare was introduced to a foal who had lost her mother.

Horses are beautiful, strong creatures, but they are not unlike humans in that they can go through emotional moments too. Zindita gave birth but she almost did not make it through birth. Sadly, while she survived, her foal did not. The mother was devastated by her loss. But, where God closes one door, he opens another. Just two days after Zindita lost her foal, a different filly lost her mother during her birth.

Both horses suffered losses but the wonderful doctors at Equiception saw an opportunity they could not pass up. They were going to bond the two. Hopefully, when this little horse is big and strong, she can be a helpful horse, like these horses who assist recovering veterans. Zindita’s life was in danger as she delivered early and the baby was upside down in the womb. The team was able to rescue her, but her baby was stillborn.

As a mother, Zindita was distraught. But, there was a baby in need of Zindita! She was introduced to the baby filly and their connection was powerful. Equiception posted a photo of the two just one hour after they were introduced and it has gone viral.

Zindita took right to the little girl as if she’d given birth to her. She’s grooming the foal and keeping her close. The baby filly has been given a name, Listen Good  (Feel Good x Yolanda).

I hope she actually listens! “It’s quite uncommon for the mare to accept the filly with such enthusiasm and love,” Dr. Patrick Brogan, the doctor who saved Zindita’s life, told G1X.

“Zindita fell in love with the filly straight away.” Equiception, where Zindita and Listen Good currently are, was started by Dr. Brogan. It is a company that specialises in the veterinary supervision of reproduction in horses.

Such a touching story !

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