Baby Giraffe Melts Hearts Of Millions By Showing Off Running With His Long Legs.

Baby animals are cute to watch, especially when they’re just a few days old and learning to walk on their own.

In Seneca Park Zoo, a mamma giraffe delivered her Masai baby in April 2022. You can see this newborn cute giraffe trying to walk his very first steps on this planet. A while later, the cute baby has overcome his fear and could walk, stand and even run around.


Adam Bello of Monroe County Executive said that the calf just made a wonderful transformation in just a few days in a post on Social Media, along with a video. Bello added that the mamma, Iggy, and her baby are in a very good condition.


How adorable! Watch the video below.



Hundreds have commented as well.

One user commented, “Such an amazing animal. Definitely one of the unique creatures on our planet.

“Wow!! I never expected such a graceful gallop from this little giraffe!

So cute!!” Said another user who shared their amazement for the animal.


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