After Years Of Being Blind, A Dog Can Finally See Her Owner.

If you’re like me then you will definitely need to find your tissue box before watching the following video. It is a very touching and heartwarming video that features a formerly blind dog being able to see their owner for the first time. It’s a beautiful reminder to cherish our dogs’ health since we often take for granted things such as perfect vision.

Caters Clips/YouTube

Olive is a Spanish cocker spaniel from the island of Mallorca. Her owners found her as a stray when she was blind. Despite her disability, her owners provided a happy and caring environment for her. Her owners, on the other hand, wondered if there was anything else they could do to help their dog. That’s when the couple decided to help Olive see again by arranging for her to have corrective eye surgery.

Caters Clips/YouTube

The surgery ended up being a success, and after three years of blindness, Olive was able to walk out of her vet’s office with a brand-new lease on life. The happy pooch was both amazed by her new eyesight, and also stupefied by all the new sights to behold. While she was excited to get to see the world around her, the one thing that really got the little pooch overjoyed were her owners. Seeing them for the first time sent her little tail into a wagging overdrive. It was an emotionally charged moment to witness.

Caters Clips/YouTube

Holly and Bart Emmerson, Olive’s owners, were equally astounded to see Olive use her sight for the first time. They just couldn’t get past it. Now their favorite canine could see! They were grateful for Olive’s attention and affection. As they got a better look at her, Bart and Holly exclaimed, “Her eyes are so different. They’re entirely black.”

Caters Clips/YouTube

There was no denying that the trio had a lot of happy adjustments ahead of them – particularly Olive. The adorable little black puppy was overjoyed to be able to see everything for the first time. She had plenty of room to discover the world. And we’re confident she’s maximizing her newfound ability. Hopefully, this film will remind us all to be grateful for our eyesight, as seeing the beautiful world around us is truly a gift.


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