After wandering into a village, a man adopts a tiny bear cub to save its life.

One day, an unexpected visitor in the form of a malnourished bear cub was discovered wandering the streets of a community looking for food.
A village farmer came to the cub’s rescue and chose to take it home and look after it.

Too young to survive in the wild alone, and too young to be allowed into a zoo, Nikolay, the farmer, now has quite the unusual pet.

On Nikolay’s farm, the tiny bear cub found a home, complete with shelter, comfort, and food.

When Nikolay initially saw the bear, he contacted the appropriate authorities for assistance with this uncommon scenario.

Every time, he was given the same response: either put it to sleep or release it into the wild; both options would result in the bear cub’s death, which Nikolay was not willing to accept.

He and other huntsmen searched the forests nearby in the hope of finding the cub’s mother for two days, but to no avail.

A committee in the hamlet eventually gave the bear cub a “passport” that allowed her to legally live in the town and gave her the name Vasilisa.

Nikolay intends to construct a big enclosure for Vasilisa to grow up in, complete with an observation deck so he can keep an eye on the cub on a regular basis.

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