A Young Boy Shows Everyone How Much He Loves Horses.

I really believe that this video will serve as a great tool for educating all of them. These children need to understand that roughness is not the answer and the world isa better place if we all behave in a tender way. There is an incredible horsemanship program called “Reach Out to Horses”. This program shows you how to reconnect with your horse and their methods take horsemanship to a whole new level.


Joseph, a young boy who went through this program, has learned all the ways to show his horse how much he loves and cares for him! In the video footage beneath this text, you will see Joseph taking care of two different horses. Clearly, he knows how to act with those horses and they enjoy being around the young boy.


The one that he bathes is Excalibur and the other horse which he leads through a field in Dillon. Joseph is full of confidence while Dillon and Excalibur are with him and he stays beside them, although they are being so big compared to him. This young boy shows everyone what does it feel to take care of a horse, it seems boring or tiring, but it is actually a lot of fun.






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