A man saves money for ten years in order to purchase an ambulance to assist stray and sick animals.

Man Saves Up Money For 10 Years To Buy Ambulance To Help Stray And Sick Pets

One guy saved for ten years to buy a van that he could use as an animal ambulance to aid stray and abandoned dogs and cats in his hometown of Palu, India.

Balu provides services to pet owners as well as animal rescues and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that require sick or injured dogs and cats to be transported to vet facilities, animal shelters, and occasionally to his own home if there is no room for them elsewhere.
“If there’s no room at shelters, I keep 5 to 6 stray dogs at home – some with broken legs and paws,” Balu stated in an Open Road India video.

He wasn’t sure how things would turn out when he first started. “I was a little terrified of dogs at first,” Balu said.

Balu has learnt how to heal an injured animal’s wounds and administer medication over his stint saving pets, to the point where vets and animal organizations entrust many of their creatures to his care. When it comes to catching stray dogs, he has a special touch. One of the animal rescuers who works with Balu said, “The biggest job in rescuing is being able to handle and catch the dog.” “So he’s doing a good job,” says the narrator.

Balu supports himself and his wife by charging pet owners and NGOs 15 cents per mile to transport their animals to the veterinarian. His work is greatly valued by the animal lovers he assists, albeit not everyone agrees with him. Many people consider homeless dogs to be pests, and they frequently criticize Balu for saving them.

But it isn’t going to stop him from doing what he does. “This is my life now, and I can’t leave it,” he says. “I’m going to keep doing this indefinitely.”

Watch Balu’s full story in the video below.

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