A family with dogs rescues a baby kangaroo, and he now believes he is one.

A few years ago, Ashley Stewart chose to bring home an orphaned baby kangaroo. The young joey quickly made himself at home and practically blended in. Dusty the kangaroo now considers himself to be a dog!

When the kangaroo’s mother was killed by an automobile, Ashley and his family decided to bring the joey home with them. Dusty was rather young at the time, and it’s difficult to say if he could have survived in the wild on his own.

Dusty and the family’s two dogs, Rosie and Lilly, hit it out right away. Dusty piqued Lilly’s interest as if he were her own child. All of this lead to the joey living the life of a dog!

“Either he’s eating or he’s sleeping.” “He’s a very calm creature, and if he’s not sleeping on his bed when you walk out the door, he comes up to you and wants a stroke and a scratch,” Ashley told the Daily Mail.

The family also claims that, in true dog fashion, the kangaroo is uninterested in their cat! Dusty adores his new family, who recently added a third dog to ensure that there are always two pairs. What a fantastic story!

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