Woman wakes to find an unknown dog on her patio furniture that refuses to leave

Woman wakes to find an unknown dog on her patio furniture that refuses to leave!

Amy was getting dressed for work when she found an unexpected visitor making himself at home on her back porch.

Amy Haden was an animal lover who lived in her beautiful house with an amazing yard with her daughter and lovely pets.

Amy and her daughter thought that it was someone’s dog and he was just chilling there. But when they returned in the evening and found the dog in the same place they understood that it was a stray dog. They called him Wlker

Unfortunately, even though Walker was such a sweet dog, he couldn’t get along with Amy’s other dogs. She had to rehome him.

When the search for his previous owner turned out empty, they decided to look for a new home for Walker instead. It was a difficult decision for them since they’ve grown to love Walker. But the cost and time of taking care of three dogs was something she and her daughter couldn’t handle anymore.

Fortunately, they were able to find a new home for this sweet dog with a little old lady.

While Amy’s story had a happy ending, it won’t always be the same for each lost or stray dog we meet on the roads or in our house. The RSPCA have shared a few tips on what to do.

If the dog is injured or sick, be sure to call your local animal shelter or animal welfare group immediately so they can make sure the dog receives proper medical care.



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