Truck Driver Breaks Into Tears When He Is Reunited With His Lost Travel Buddy After Months Of Searching.

Matthew and his cat, Ashes, had been the best of friends since the moment they met.

Matthew is a truck driver and Ashes had routinely been Matthew’s co-pilot companion on many cross-country road trips.

The two were inseparable and shared a special bond having traveled countless miles together.

Sadly, a couple of months ago during one such trip, Ashes accidentally slipped out of Matthew’s 18-wheeler as they were passing through Springfield, Ohio. The cat got scared by unfamiliar surroundings and ran off into the bushes. Matthew was devastated and looked everywhere for his best friend.He drove around the area numerous times without success; he was so heartbroken that he had to get back on the road, but he knew he had to.Matthew rerouted his routes several times over the next few months so that he could return to the same location in search of Ashes.He kept returning, hoping that today would be the day.

Kimberly T. and a friend arrived at the same stop on their way to New York one day.Something caught her eye just as she was about to get back into her car.A skinny, hungry cat emerged from a bush in search of attention.

Image credits: Lollypop Farm

Kimberley stated,

“I was trying not to put my paws on the ground because it was freezing.”She picked up the cat and took it to her car to warm it up because no one came to claim it.The cat appeared to have been on the streets for some time.He required a lot of attention as well as a vet check.Kimberly took him to New York because she knew of a place where he could be helped.

Image credits: Lollypop Farm

The woman took Ashes to her car and surrendered him to the animal rescue organization called Lollypop Farm. Luckily, Ashes had a microchip, so Lollipop Farm was able to return Ashes to Matthew after they scanned her microchip. The employees were shocked when they found out that Ashes was 1,465 miles from home.

Image credits: Lollypop Farm

Matthew was thrilled that his beloved feline was safe and sound. He immediately rearranged his driving schedule and drove to New York. He burst into tears when he saw his beloved cat after months of searching.

Ashes immediately recognized his human dad and went right up to him with affectionate head-butts and cuddling. “Ashes knew him, and was immediately affectionate,” the shelter said.

Image credits: Lollypop Farm

During the reunion, he held Ashes tightly in a warm embrace and called it his “Christmas miracle”. Mathew said, “It’s my Christmas miracle. It’s that microchip – without it, I wouldn’t have ever gotten him back. The women that found him saved his life, but the microchip brought him home.”

Image credits: Lollypop Farm

It’s extremely important to microchip your pets! You never know when a pet might go missing at the worst possible time—and they make happy reunions like this possible.


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