This Chonky Cat Is Going Viral For Standing Like A Penguin
People appear to go to great efforts to gain social media stardom, but this cat doesn’t even need to try to capture the hearts of millions of people around the world. Sure, it’s partly because cats have always been and always will be what the internet needs, but this chonker understands how to stand apart. Literally. Meet Peggy The Penguin Kitty, a beautiful kitty who has become an internet sensation by standing up and appearing like a penguin. The cat’s parents broadcast humorous videos of Peggy doing her thing on TikTok, which go popular with a few million views almost immediately.
“We’re not precisely sure how old she is, but our best guess is between 8-10 years old,” Peggy’s owner told Bored Panda about Peggy and her special quality. We adopted her around 6 years ago and have enjoyed every moment of it. She began ‘penguining’ the day we brought her home, and she has done so every day since.”
Meet this chonky cat that seems to be part cat-part penguin when standing on two legs

The cat has been “penguining” since she was acquired six years ago, according to her owner.

She appears to be at ease in her trademark position, which she repeats every day.

“After breakfast, Peggy enjoys some fresh air and bird watching on our terrace (which I have cat-proofed).” She also enjoys napping in her numerous cardboard boxes, which she keeps by the window, under our Christmas tree, and in her bed. Peggy enjoys playing with strings or any toys that have a bell in the evenings. After dinner, she brushes her teeth and then follows me to bed.”

The more chonkier the cat, the more to love. And while there’s a lot to appreciate here, those concerned about Peggy’s weight can rest easy: she’s on her way to becoming a healthier version of herself, and her charming penguin position will continue to bring smiles to people’s faces all around the world.

“We also started a new routine of having Peggy run up and downstairs for some added exercise. We’ve had her on a diet for a few months now and are seeing some progress.”