This cat shelter’s rescued dog looks after every kitten and has raised over 60 kittens

Cats and dogs have a reputation of not getting along. For some reason, they were meant to fight and not really like each other, but this sweet pupper proves otherwise.

Dog Raylan’s owner organized a shelter for the homeless and abandoned kittens in her house. She treats and feeds them, and then looks for a new home for the babies.

Her faithful dog helps her in this noble cause. Either out of the kindness, or because he himself was once of no use to anyone. Raylan pities the kittens and becomes not only a friend to them, but also a caring father.

Nine years ago, an abandoned dog ended up in a shelter that euthanizes animals that no one wants to take. The puppy was one of them. He had too much energy, so visitors to the center bypassed him.
Raylan was put on a waiting list for euthanasia, but luck smiled at him – the puppy was chosen by his current owner. Over the years of his life with her, Raylan raised more than 60 abandoned or orphaned kittens. He gives them the love and care that they did not receive from their own parents. “I found out that my dog ​​loves cats six years ago when I brought home my first kitten, Watson.Then Raylan was three years old, says the owner of the dog.–He immediately began to play with the baby and treated him very gently and patiently. Now Watson lives with our neighbors, and he and Raylan are great friends.” Raylan’s owner created an Instagram page for him, which already has more than 20,000 followers.The woman publishes photos and videos with pets. And they all get thousands of likes and positive comments. When it’s time to give away the kittens, Raylan enjoys a well-deserved rest for several weeks. But then the dog starts to feel sad. And when new kittens appear in the house, you can’t find a happier dog. As the owner of Raylan says: “The day the new kitten arrives is his personal holiday!”
Raylan is a parent to a lot of foster cats, taking care of them and loving them until they find a forever home. The kittens either lost their moms or were thrown away by their owners. There are so many animals in the world that have the same faith. Luckily, there are dogs like Raylan and people like Raylan’s owner to save the day and find the lost animals a good home.

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