The Lion Father Tried To Punish His Cub For Biting His Tail, But Was Only Scolded By His Mother.

As many of you know, with kids is never bored! But apparently this works for humans as well as wildlife. This family of lions from Washington National Zoological Park got a bit of drama in their lives when the fight between their father and one of his little cubs went too far.

Everyone sees him as the king of the animals, but as these hilarious snaps prove it, someone else is actually in charge here. A lioness with attitude had drastically rebuked her male, after he tried to punish their little cub. The funny scene unfolded in front of Jennifer Lockridge – a 42-year-old amateur photographer who managed to capture the spicy argue on camera. The woman is a regular visitor of the zoo, especially to admire the lion family that lives in there.

It turns out that one of the family’s seven pups was trying to bite off his father’s tale to get more attention. But his will did not go his way, because the majestic father decided to give him a lesson. Luke as the male is named immediately smashed his young Lusaka to the ground. But it all ended when the mother intervened, and the lion learned to deal with children through bitter experiences.

“I thoroughly enjoyed watching this interaction and Luke has just recently been allowed to interact with his cub,” Jennifer who witnessed the scene, said. “Wildlife refuge has a lion pride consisting of seven cubs from two mothers and Luke is the father of all the cubs.

“As the cubs have gotten braver, they approach Luke easily wanting to engage him in play. ‘I don’t believe he realised she was biting his tail and he didn’t seem to be very upset. Lusaka has a habit of biting the tails of her siblings as well as the adults.”

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