Starving Dog Unrecognizable When Returned To Shelter

“He truly deserves a happily ever after this time.”

When we adopt a dog, we are committing to keep them for the rest of their lives. Is that promise, though, to keep them with us in good times and bad, or to make the best decisions for them? These terms aren’t always interchangeable.

When Roland – then known as Shorty – was two years old, he was ready for adoption at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas. A squat, plump puppy with a blue bandana and a smile appears in his intake shot. Shorty weighed 40 pounds, which was a little on the heavy side for his height but not unhealthy. The photo was uploaded on social media the day after he was admitted to the shelter in March 2019, and it grabbed the attention of a lot of potential adopters. Three days later, he was out of the shelter kennel and into his new home.

Roland’s life after his adoption in March 2019 until his reappearance at MCAS a year and a half later is unknown. In November 2020, Roland’s adoptive parents revealed that they had become homeless since adopting him and were living in their car. Because they didn’t have much money, they couldn’t afford to feed their dog. They were forced to make a difficult choice:

Should they let their dog suffer and waste away, or should they surrender him and never see him again?

Roland was in bad shape by the time they eventually made a choice.

He couldn’t have been the same dog. The wide eyes and charming face were the same, but the miserable dog the shelter employees saw was only skin and bones. Roland couldn’t even lift his head and couldn’t move. The poor child had been struggling for a long time to get to this point.

He need quick, one-on-one attention.

Roland was saved from MCAS by Jamie’s Animal Rescue. Jamie C., the organization’s creator, has been saving animals since she was 11 years old and has dedicated her life to helping some of the most challenging cases. While her heart breaks for each and every animal she personally saves from shelters, she perseveres.
She favors those with a slim chance of surviving. This means she is always grieving, yet her love and care often leads to remarkable healings.

Roland was found resting on his side at MCAS, and Jamie soon took him in. She told her admirers and friends that she had another puppy in desperate need of help.

Jamie was well aware that his previous owners had suffered tragedy, but she couldn’t understand how they could have stood by and watched a dog they claimed to love deteriorate for so long.

It would take a lot of patience to work with Roland. Jamie had a body condition score of 1 when he arrived, the lowest possible. When we see a dog that has been famished for a long time, we want to give them as much food as they want, but Jamie knew that his delicate body couldn’t handle too much food too quickly.

Jamie gave Roland the attention he had been missing for a long time. She observed more signs of neglect, in addition to his odd skinniness.

Just two days later, while on a short trip, Roland did something extraordinary while staying with a temporary foster.

“I received word this morning that he’s had enough of lying horizontal… He got up by himself today and took 20 steps as a reward before deciding to take another 20. He was exhausted after that and preferred to simply wait for his snacks in the cabinet.

His small steps revealed two things: he has an incredible energy and a passion for eating! He had already gained 35 pounds by the time he was placed with a foster home at the end of November, less than 30 days after being surrendered.

His ribs are no longer protruding from his sides, and he has a thick layer of fat on his hips.

Roland, who was hardly able to lift his head without assistance only a few weeks ago, is now playing tug-of-war with his foster family and taking walks around the neighborhood.

Roland’s growth has been nothing short of miraculous, and his loving personality has never wavered despite the maltreatment he has endured. Roland is now a healthy weight and ready to find a forever family.

Fill up an application at if you believe you can give this little fighter the life and love he deserves.

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