Siberian Farm Cats Have Completely Taken Over This Farmer’s Land, And They’re Stunning.

Siberian Farm Cats Have Absolutely Taken Over This Farmer’s Land, And They’re Absolutely Majestic

Just when you think you’re the craziest cat lady on the block, someone goes ahead and outdoes you. Alla Lebedeva, a Russian farmer, has turned her property into a cat shelter known as ‘Catland,’ and her beautiful images and videos of her many magnificent Siberian cats have gone viral.

Lebedeva and her husband Sergey have been rearing these gorgeous cats for nearly a decade in Prigorodny, Siberia, close outside Barnaul. “How many of us are there now? ‘A million, maybe more,’ I normally say in response to such a query “DesignYouTrust speaks with Lebedeva. “They’re cooped up in the henhouse… They have three ‘small bedrooms’ where they can sleep in accordance with their moods. Our Siberian kittens keep rodents and mice away from the poultry and rabbits.”

Despite the fact that Alla’s photo and video journal of her fluffy kittens’ daily escapades already has over 2,000 views on YouTube, they were spread across the Internet without authorization and mislabeled as ‘Norwegians.’ Though this fluffy cat breed is closely linked to the well-known Norwegian Forest Cat, keep in mind that they are two different species – and always give credit where credit is due. It’s beneficial to your health.

Scroll down to be taken to Koshlandia and its gorgeous cats, and let us know if you’d like to pay this ‘feline hostel’ a visit someday.

Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat
Siberian Cat

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