Orphaned calf thinks he’s a dog after being raised by German Shepherds.

Buddy the bull calf was adopted by a family of German Shepherd breeders when he was just one day old after his mum tragically died – and now thinks he’s one of the pups.

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He enjoy nap time with the other pups.

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And playing outdoor games with children Bella and Lawson.

“He doesn’t see himself as a calf, I think he sees himself as posher than them. He looks across at them in the paddock but he’s up on the back veranda enjoying all the comfort.

“He’s perfectly content to hang out with humans and dogs.”

“He likes the grooming Bada gives him.” He responds admirably to her. She is continuously grooming him, licking him, washing his eyes – she is always with him.

“When he’s out, she keeps an eye on him. She goes with him and pursues him. She is quite generous with her time. She’s been fantastic.”

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Coral has said they will give Buddy a home for life.

Coral said by the time they managed to get her out, she was ‘totally exhausted’ and tragically passed away.

Despite the heartbreak, the calf quickly made himself popular with the couple’s two children, Bella, 12, and Lawson, 10, because of his enthusiasm to join in with their games.

“Buddy runs beside the kids when they’re on their bikes outside and he plays chase with Bella,” said Coral.

“He is very affectionate to us – he has assimilated very well.”

Although Buddy has very much made himself part of the family, the house remains out of bounds and he sleeps on the veranda of their farmhouse.

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He may soon outgrow his bed, as he currently guzzles down 10 and a half pints of milk a day and will weight 95 stone when fully grown.

Buddy, on the other hand, will have a forever home, as Coral stated: “But he will always be our pet bull, that’s for sure – no matter how big he gets.”



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