Moose Casually Walks Into Movie Theater And Helps Himself To Popcorn.

A moose at the movies might sound like the title of a children’s book but it’s actually a headline out of Alaska.

A moose in Kenai, Alaska decided to visit a movie theater to enjoy a snack. Jasmynne Palmer was behind the snack counter at Kenai Cinemas when she spotted the moose looking inside the foyer and started recording a video of her unlikely patron.

She calls her boss asking what to do as the moose wanders around and munches on some popcorn left out by the waste basket. After the moose is done snacking on popcorn he helps himself to a leftover McDonald’s Happy Meal box.

Surveillance video of the moose in the theater lobby gives viewers a sense of just how big the animal is.

Nick Fowler, a wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, told the Anchorage Daily News that human food also isn’t always good for moose. “I do not know if a Happy Meal is good for a moose or not. However, I can confidently say that it’s not in its natural diet,” Fowler said. The popcorn is probably all right, though.

Ricky Black, the general manager at Kenai Cinemas, told NBC affiliate KTUU that staff had opened an outside door to allow in some fresh air. The moose was likely drawn to the smell of the popcorn.

“We prop the door open quite often during this time of the year because it’s just so nice outside, and you want to let some of that fresh air in. Our popcorn had him enticed,” Black said. “He was pretty focused on that. I guess he was tired of eating bark for the winter.”




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