On his 21st birthday, Rafael Pease went out to snowboard some fresh powder in the Chilean Andes. His plans changed when he found a stranded horse stuck in the snow and he swiftly moved to action. He and his friend began digging with snow shovels to free the defeated horse from the icy snow.

It’s a lovely chestnut horse, and it’s freezing outside; she appears to have been trapped for quite some time.
Everyone pitched in to help dig her out of the four feet of snow and lead the mare six miles down the mountain.Five hours after they discovered her, the horse was reunited with her herd!Rafael’s 21st birthday has become even more cozy and memorable now that the lovely pony has been reunited with the family!

Rafael discovered that the horse had been missing from its owner for four days.They are overjoyed to see each other again, and Rafael believes that what he did was perfectly reasonable in that situation!The incredible video captures the rescue and appears to be from a movie.


What an amazing thing they were able to accomplish. It will teach them, and many of us, a life lesson about helping those in need. This should have inspired you to not only live your life to the fullest, but also to help others do the same!It’s fantastic; the horse is lucky to meet such nice teenagers.

Warm compassion triumphs in that cold and lonely place.

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