Horse Shows To Everyone That He Is Born For Piaffe.

What you see in this video is the performance of Piaffe with such bold elegance. It’s a great trained piaffe where the horse actually lowers the pelvis and uses the back. It looks perfect. The piaffe is very attractive, with no severe cracks or rotations in the forelimbs, and a slow, fully uninvolved posterior that is common in modern dressage.

Jorge Gabriel/YouTube

Jorge Gabriel/YouTube

The rider and the horse have a good bond, the rider’s saddle slides back and forth very easily, the horse’s weight moves dramatically behind as it moves backwards, and the rider sits a little more and sees the only bobble. can do. The horse that asks Jorge if he wants a positive piaffe or if he should kick her into the aisle is great. Horses have great movements and a pace that shows them to be very smart. I had a great time seeing this amazing achievement.


When it comes to horses, it takes a lot of work to train them for a very large event that many people attend. It really requires a lot of mental and physical training from your horse. Not everyone can do it. It may not be so difficult unless you try it yourself. Dressage is not easy because it requires detailed planning, but it is even more difficult to display piaffes and passages.

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