His Sad Eyes Painted A Picture Of The Abominable Life He Was Forced To Endure

His Sad Eyes Painted A Picture Of The Abominable Life He Was Forced To Endure

Chicken was a stray dog found wandering around by himself in horrible shape, according to ilovemydogsomuch.

He was unwell and infected with mange, which had resulted in him losing all of his hair and developing scabs all over his body.

Thankfully, he was saved by Sidewalk Specials, who took him to their veterinarian right away for treatment. His skin began to recover and his hair began to regrow after having medicinal baths and regular therapy.

Chicken now resembles a whole different dog! His story exemplifies the importance of not judging a book by its cover.

Chicken is now safe, healthy, and most importantly, content!

He was even adopted into a forever home, where he gets his own warm bed and is lavished with toys.

Despite his street upbringing, Chicken is swiftly learning how to be a dog and already knows all of his basic instructions.

Even his new cat sibling gets along with him!

Watch his rescue and transformation in the video below:

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