Gorilla Comforts Park Ranger Who Just Lost His Mom.

There’s nothing stronger in this world than the love felt for parents. And that doesn’t apply only to human beings, but all beings as well. Therefore, losing a parent is the most tragic experience for any creature on Earth. And wildlife photographer Phil Moore captured some touching photos, to prove that.

The pain of losing its mother to poachers is all too real for this gorilla.

In the photo, Patrick Karabaranga can be seen sitting with an orphaned mountain gorilla in Virunga National Park in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The gorilla can be seen showing his appreciation for the sympathy by tenderly placing his hand on the ranger’s leg.

The Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is where the picture was taken. a refuge where abandoned gorillas, like this one, might find solace and defense against poachers.

This story is so important as a tale of love and loss but most of all, it’s a story of breathtaking compassion and understanding between animals and humans.


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