Everyone started crying when the horse showed up to wish the owner farewell

It was a very heart touching moment and everyone’s eyes were filled with tears when the horse came to bid farewell to her dying proprietor Sheila Marsh whose employment place was the Haydock Park Racecourse since she was 21.

Horses have always played a significant role in her life – particularly Bronwen, whom Sheila has fed, raised and loved a lot since childhood.

They have lived together for about 20 years.

It is a sad fact that 77-year-old Marsh was diagnosed with deadly cancer in her old age. She just wished to say goodbye to her beloved Bronwen before dying.

Shyla was becoming worse every day. Her daughter Tina then asked the nurses at the hospital where her mother was being treated for something. Doctors were willing to help patients carry out their final wishes before passing away.

An old woman was taken out the hospital on a trolley. In the parking lot, Shyla found some of her favorite horses, including Bronwen. She absolutely glowed with happiness as the horse drew near. She softly said the name of her cherished pet as her energy ran out, and the pet nuzzled her cheek in response.

Despite having significant difficulty speaking on the last day, Tina recalled that Mother addressed the horse by name and expressed her desire to kiss her.

That is exactly what Bronwen did, stooping to give Sheila one last kiss. Tina noticed this and started crying.

Both I and the other nurses sobbed a lot. It was great that she felt at ease! She had a close relationship with Bronwen. Since Bronwen was seven years old, she has been providing care for the horse. We were all greatly affected by this situation. The occasion was crucial, “Shyla’s daughter said bluntly.

How strong the connections between people and animals may be continues to amaze. We exist for the people we love. Animals become part of our family because love knows no boundaries. Furthermore, Sheila was unable to leave without saying farewell to someone dear to her.


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