This video demonstrates that animals have emotions. When Bram, a rescued donkey, passed away recently, his herd of other donkeys gave him an emotional send-off.

Bram was an elderly donkey in terrible health when he was rescued by the Dutch organization Stichting de Ezelshoeve. However, he was surrounded by people and other donkeys who adored him during his stay at the sanctuary.

The herd’s leader, the dark brown donkey you’ll see in the video below, became his best friend. The donkeys spot Bram’s body as they enter the yard to bid their final farewell and mournfully scream out. The leader is particularly distressed, and nips Bram in the stomach to wake him up. The leader couldn’t “believe that his friend was dead,” according to the rescue group.

When the donkeys come out to wish him farewell and encircle his body, I can’t stop myself from crying. They are clearly upset and grieving the loss of their friend.

Watch the touching scene below and share it with your friends.


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