Donkey Rejected By His Mother Found New Loving Family At Sanctuary.

Life was anything but easy for this tiny foal, after he was rejected by his own mother, shortly after birth. But fortunately, he was not alone. Surrounded by love and affection, the desperate baby donkey overcame a difficult situation and turned it in his favor, finding a loving new mother!

The Dodo/YouTube

Ben’s mother was already pregnant when she arrived at the Donkey Sanctuary in the UK. Her birth was only two months away, and a mare named Millie was not yet ready to become a mother. Unfortunately, despite her staff’s efforts to prepare her for her job ahead of her, that just wasn’t meant to be. And shortly after her birth she abandoned her baby!

The Dodo/YouTube

“The mare and her baby were not together or showing any signs of the bonding process that would normally take place,” the sanctuary wrote.

“We carefully tried to encourage her to accept him, but this young and unexperienced mum simply did not want to let her foal near her – it was clear that she had rejected him.”

The Dodo/YouTube

The chances of surviving without a mother for a newborn animal were extremely slim, and Ben was nothing but the same. But the shelter’s dedicated people did their best to save the little foal, and it worked out in the end. They bottle fed him at 3-4 hours and spend a lot of time together, making him feel comfortable and loved. But nevertheless, little Ben needed someone to warm and protect him every second and only his mother could.

The Dodo/YouTube

Since his mom was off the table, the staff decided to introduce Ben to “auntie” Jingle, another mare at the sanctuary. To everyone’s surprise, they soon became inseparable. All the members were even more overjoyed to see Ben finally found his beloved mother. After all he’s been through, he really deserves it!

In the video below, you can learn more about Ben’s inspirational journey.

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