Cops saving a horse from a barn fire are captured on dramatic body camera video.

In Pennsylvania’s Hilltown Township, two police officers successfully extinguished a fire that threatened a horse. By using a body camera, one of the officers was able to record the heroic men’s efforts to free the trapped animal.

A farm fire that started on Thursday near the city was reported to the Hilltown Township Police Department. Officers Matthew Reiss and Cristian Hanus reached the scene shortly after that. Except for the horse Phoebe, who became trapped inside the burning barn, everyone at the farm, including the horse, had been rescued by the time they arrived.

Officer Reiss hurried to save the horse without a second thought while officer Hanus trailed behind after he soon learned from one of the farm’s employees that the horse is still trapped inside. The gallant officers bravely entered the raging inferno, and with the assistance of a farm’s horse trainer, they were ultimately able to rescue Phoebe. The horse became scared and bewildered and resisted being let out, so the officers had to pull him out. It wasn’t very simple, though.

Lena Obernesser, a riding instructor at the farm, told CBSNews that although she was undoubtedly terrified, the police were excellent and jumped right in. “I watched the video and was just amazed. Oh my God, thank God they were here, sort of thing. “. Thankfully, the horse and the person who saved him both survived with only minor wounds. The officers who were on their first mission involving the rescue of animals claimed that the adrenaline had driven them right to the barn that was on fire.

Officer Reiss described the incident as “an absolute moment of excitement and adrenaline dump.” Officer Hanus exclaimed: “The adrenaline was pumping. He and I both suffered minor injuries, and we were out there. It’s undoubtedly going to be remembered as one of the most memorable!”
You can watch the dramatic moment, here:

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