Before Rrunning, A Cocky Horse Kicks A Tree And Farts On A Dog.

A horse with enough feed will frequently get a “hay belly.” This is a sign of normal gas production rather than fat. Horses flatulate a lot because they create an enormous amount of gas! I don’t know about you, but horses are big enough creatures that I wouldn’t want to be nearby when they pass gas.

A humorous video that a horse’s family posted online illustrating the animal’s unusual behavior has become very popular.


According to his owners, the video shows Sven the Grulla Quarter Horse “racing through the woods with the dogs, kicking trees, farting, and just generally having a fantastic time.” The horse farts loudly, then sprints back into the meadow, passing the humans and dogs, before crashing into a tree. The YouTube video has now received over 36 million views! One commenter called it a magnificent work of film.


When I originally saw the headline, I wasn’t convinced that the famed kick, fart, and run could be compressed into just 25 seconds. However, this horse performed one of the strongest feats known to humankind with incredible ease. What an instance. “The dogs and horses are all great friends and frequently play together,” the pet owner continues. Yukon reassures concerned viewers that they shouldn’t be concerned about the dogs being around such a large animal because they are all related.


The dogs get along great and Sven never bothers them. He wasn’t being very boisterous today. Numerous research have hinted at a possible relationship between canines and horses. While they play together, they can communicate by imitating each other’s movements. Horses and dogs have already proven their abilities to cooperate while hunting and on farms.


As companion animals who enjoy companionship, they are both friendly and well-behaved, so there shouldn’t be any problems as long as they do so.


And just to prove that Sven does have a soft side, Yukon uploaded another video of Sven getting hugs and scratches.


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