Baby Elephant Blocking The Way To Play In The Sand.

This is the adorable moment a baby elephant takes over a road in a natural reserve in Zimbabwe, only to have fun. The young calf doesn’t seems bothered by the tourists presence as he is hilariously rolling on the sand right in front of their vehicle. The moment was caught on camera by one of the eyewitnesses and it is nothing but overload cuteness!

Although the spirited elephant caused an obstacle, tourists from the safari vehicles can’t get enough of it. However, to everyone’s delight, the baby elephant continued his adorable playtime. He kept rolling in the sand. Then he just sat on his stomach and spread his legs wide while raising his little trunk in the air.

Caters Clips/YouTube

Then, all of a sudden, the cute elephant decided enough it’s enough and he raised on his feet and confidently looked to the tourists to let everyone know it is not they road, but his playground, before finding his way in the bushes.

Needless to say, everyone was just engrossed in the touching moment that unfolded before their eyes. “Oh my God, he’s so charming, ” a woman can be heard. “It was a beautiful sight, I couldn’t believe how lucky we were,” said Brett Berenson, who captured the moment on camera.


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