At the age of 56, the world’s oldest donkey was put down.

The oldest donkey in the world, who was put down at the age of 56, has received tributes. Due to health problems brought on by aging, Tootsie passed away on March 1. When his owner could no longer care for him, Tootsie was brought to The Donkey Sanctuary’s farm in Knockordbane, Liscarrol, in 1992. He was eventually transferred to the organization’s Hannigans Farm, where he spent the majority of his time.

Tootsie “liked” having “a nice run around” in the paddocks, according to a charity representative. “Tootsie had a long, healthy life. He was well-known to visitors who encountered him at Hannigans Farm open days as well as to volunteers and students who had spent their time at the sanctuary, the speaker said.

He had a strong, independent character, loved eating, and was sometimes possessive of his trough spot. According to the spokeswoman, Tootsie lived among the farm’s “super grannies.”

He explained that some of the elder donkeys were known as “super grannies,” and that they received excellent care from the staff and volunteers. They have warm blankets, infrared heat lamps, and warm mattresses to keep them particularly cozy throughout the colder months.

They are fed a particular diet that is healthy and simple to digest. The spokesman claimed that after falling ill over the previous few weeks and not responding to therapy, the “sad choice” to put down Tootsie was made because of his advanced age and the slim chance of his recovery.

According to the spokesman, Tootsie spent his final moments surrounded by the farm and vet personnel who had loved and cared for him throughout his whole existence at the sanctuary. “We’re thrilled and honored to have taken care of Tootsie in our sanctuary. He was a personality-packed mule that was adored by our team and supporters.

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