Adorable Moment Elephant Touches Trunks With Daughter And Granddaughters After 12 Years

Adorable Moment Elephant Touches Trunks With Daughter And Granddaughters After 12 Years

After being separated for 12 years, an elephant rubs trunks with her daughter and granddaughter in this emotional moment.

Pori, a 39-year-old grandmother elephant, has been reunited with her daughter Tana, 19, and granddaughters Tamika, 4, and Elani, 1.

Male elephants will frequently leave their herd to find a mate in the wild, but female elephants will remain with their mothers for the rest of their lives.
This particular family reunion is part of a program aimed at simulating this natural process in captive herds.

The zoo has closed the elephant house to give these animals a chance to relax and become reacquainted with each other.

The arrival of ‘Pori in Halle marks a significant step forward in modern elephant husbandry. All elephant herds in European zoos should be cared for in natural family structures in the future. ‘Today, we are a lot closer to achieving this aim.’

We at Kingdoms think that no wild animal should be kept in captivity unless it is for the animal’s or species’ welfare. If they are kept in captivity, their caretakers should do all possible to ensure the highest possible quality of life for the lovely creatures.

The elephant population in zoos is monitored as part of EEP, a conservation breeding program. This is done to determine new herd compositions and the animal movements that ensue.

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