Adorable German Shepherd Take Care Of Abandoned Injured Deer.

The breed of German Shepherds is known for their intelligence, loyalty and good heart. They can devote themselves to their loving owners.

This story speaks about one of the best surrogates for orphaned fawns, Sarge, a nine-year-old dog. The German Shepherd’s personality completely changed when he met the orphaned fawn as he was just like any other pups, running in the backyard and chasing his siblings.

The dog’s owner found Buckwheat, the fawn, and brought him home. When Sarge saw Buckwheat he directly took on the role of guardian and parent. It was obvious that Buckwheat needed to feel safe, and Sarge was the perfect babysitter.

They had a great time together, but finally the dig was released into the wild. But after this story, Sarge became known and he now rehabilitates injured and orphaned fawn full time. He is really happy when a new fawn comes, he always remembers Buckwheat. How adorable!

He is not an ordinary dog, he is a hero that helps orphaned, injured and confused animals feel better.

The owners of Sarge are proud to have a good caretaker next to them.

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