A Tiny Dog Is So Proud To Ride A Horse Alone.

Everyone knows that dogs are very friendly animals. That is made quite clear any time we take our dogs out for a walk – they’re ready to go be friends with anyone that they might pass by. It’s this kind of joyful spirit that dogs have that make us love them so much. It’s also that same energy that makes it possible for other animals to be friends with them as well.

The internet has plenty of photos and videos that show the strong bonds of friendship that develop between dogs and other animals. And one little dog and a horse have formed a very endearing friendship. For anyone who has ever owned a horse or spent time around them, you know that they’re pretty loving and gentle creatures. They’re like giant dogs themselves. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that a dog and a horse who quickly become besties.

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They are both very sociable and at the same time very intelligent animals. They really understand each other, so in most cases when horses and dogs live together, they turn out to be very beautiful friendships, unlike dogs and cats or other animal combinations. Aside from the let, people seem to enjoy watching them together, as evidenced by the video of the two animals being together.

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Jack Russell Terrier learned to ride alone. Pooch Charlie, now four, learned how to ride a horse from childhood after seeing Imogen Moon, 25, owner of Stanton by Dale in East Mid. Imogen recorded footage showing Smarty, a small puppy behind a horse, while the couple casually ride together.

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Imogen, a freelance photographer, said: If this isn’t the cutest rider you’ve seen, I don’t know who it is.

Caters Clips/YouTube


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