Abandoned Puppies Befriend A Lonely Giant Tortoise.

It is known that dogs can give their families and other animals unconditional love,  but have you ever thought that turtles can also have the ability to love unconditionally ! Actually, it is true,and this story is a big example.

The touching tale of a group of orphaned puppies that found a companion and protector in an unlikely species. Andrea, a foster home and member of “2nd Chances Rescue”, took in three puppies abandoned in the (PetSmart parking) lot a few years ago.

Andrea took the cubs in and raised them, albeit it took her some time to adjust to her new surroundings. And Andrea also had another rescue pet, an eighty-year-old Sulcata Tortoise named Goliath, in her care. She soon recognized a connection between her rescue dogs and the old tortoise and the baby cubs, which seemed weird at first.

Devotion and loyalty come in all shapes. Animals are everything !

How awesome!



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