This brave cop risked his own safety to save a horse in need.

Flames are always frightening.
Their unpredictability, as well as the sheer warmth they can emit, can make anyone panic.
This is especially true for animals.
During a fire, an animal will frequently remain motionless because it has no idea what to do.

That was true for Phoebe, a horse at Red Wing Ranch in Pennsylvania.
When her barn caught fire, the terrified steed could do nothing but stand and watch.
The good news is that two law enforcement officers named Matthew Reiss and Kristian Hanus saved the day.
These police officers refused to leave without Phoebe.

They arrived on the scene, the barn ablaze in front of them, and asked if anyone was still inside.
One woman on the scene yelled to the officers that there was no one inside except a terrified equine frozen in place with fear.

“Until that point, it was just another ordinary day.”
“We were doing paperwork when we got a call about a barn fire on Hilltown Pike,” Reiss told the Bucks County Courier Times.
Officers Reiss and Hanus ran into the barn without hesitation to see what they could do about the situation.

Even though there were no humans inside, a life is a life, and they were going to save that equine.
When they saw the situation inside the barn, they realized it would take a lot of cooperation to get the animal to safety and security.
The two cops began chewing on the horse to get it to move, and they were joined by a fearless farmhand who was still in the barn.

The two officers were able to get the steed to safety and security beyond the burning barn using only manpower, rope, and a lot of hope.

“I didn’t know how to mount that thing, and there was no time,” Reiss told the Carrier Times.
“I’m not sure how I did it..
just supported it and attempted to move her in the right direction.”

The video is a blur of people, fire, and shouting, but near the end, we see the equine run out of the burning barn.

Not far behind are the officers adding capital and venturing off the beaten path of the flames, both astounded at what they have just accomplished.

“When you arrive, you do a thousand assessments – what do we have, what do we need, how do you get things under control,” Reiss explained.

There were no serious injuries reported.
Reiss and Hanus sustained minor injuries, and eight people on the farm required medical attention, but the only devastation was the barn, which could not be saved or restored.

Barn fires can be devastating, but thankfully in this case the only thing lost was a building. Every life was saved, and it was all thanks to a few brave people.

Check out the video of the cops rescuing Phoebe below:



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