2 Friends Find A Cat Buried In The Snow, Only To Discover It Was One Of The Most Endangered Mammals In Europe

2 Friends Find A Cat Buried In The Snow, Only To Discover It Was One Of The Most Endangered Mammals In Europe

It turns out that being kind and doing your best to help those in need can lead to some unexpected and unanticipated outcomes. That is exactly what happened a few days ago to these two cat-loving friends from the United Kingdom.

During a stroll in the Cairngorms National Park, the couple came across a little cat trembling in the snow. The males were informed after taking the kitten to the vet that it was an incredibly rare Scottish wildcat.

These two men came spotted a little kitten shivering in the snow while walking in Cairngorms National Park.

“Piotr discovered him and took him up; he was a tiny baby, maybe only a few months old.” I grew up with cats, as did my friend with whom I discovered him. “At first, we assumed it was a stray domestic cat; it was bitterly cold, and its coat was matted from laying in the snow,” one of the guys, Pete McNab, told Metro UK.

Piotr then decided to take the shivering cat to the veterinarian. “My friend had a proper bonding session with it, he took it to the vet, and I tried to find down the owner on local Facebook groups,” Pete continued.

The males discovered that the kitten was actually a Scottish wildcat after taking it to the vet.

Piotr was even prepared to take the cat in if no one came forward at the moment. The veterinarians, on the other hand, had some significant news about the kitten. “The vets suspected he was a wildcat because of his personality,” Pete told the Daily Mail.
“Specialists were saying ‘it’s unbelievable you carried a wildcat for three kilometers without it ripping you to bits,'” he continued. “We had been joking it was a wildcat since its claws were like small blades.”

Sadly, despite our best attempts, the wildcat did not survive.

The wildcat unfortunately died the next day. “We got a phone the next day saying, ‘We are sorry, the cat has passed away,'” Pete told the Daily Mail. “However, that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
Piotr and Pete were moved by their touching experience and decided to launch a fundraiser to raise £1,000 ($1373) for a nonprofit that helps wildcats. The men have now raised more than $7720.

Scottish wildcats are incredibly rare animals and there are only around 100 to 300 of them left in the wild

The Scottish wildcat, it turns out, is the most endangered mammal in the UK and one of the most endangered in Europe. “In the wild, there are only about 100 to 300 left,” Pete told the Daily Mail.

They are one of the most endangered mammals in Europe

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