With a plastic pipe around his neck, a veterinarian hurries to capture and save a stray dog.

Veterinarian Rushes To Capture And Save Stray Dog With Plastic Pipe Around His Neck

A veterinarian braves the snow-covered suburbs of Bucharest, Romania, to save the life of a stray dog in this stunning video. When a Rosu Ovidiu (“The Outdoor Rescue Vet”) came to his rescue, the dog was roaming the streets of Bucharest with a piece of huge plastic pipe choking his throat.

The vet was finally able to locate the dog after 6 hours of fighting through half a metre of snow. After effectively tranquilizing the dog, the veterinarian quickly puts a pair of scissors beneath the plastic and cuts it off, revealing the canine’s injured neck.

“As far as we knew the dog had the plastic pipe inserted around his neck when he was young by a guy who thought it looked amusing,” the vet noted at the time of the canine’s rescue. The pipe stayed in place as the dog matured, gradually cutting through the skin and restricting the dog’s head motions.”

The dog was transferred to a vet clinic for further treatment and neutering after the pipe was removed. Marinela Tudor informed Rosu Ovidiu about the situation. She is the founder of Asociatia Paws United, a dog sanctuary where the puppy would be housed until he was adopted.

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