Watching The Lion King’s Saddest Scene, Dog Has An Emotional Breakdown

Dog Has Emotional Breakdown Watching The Lion King's Saddest Scene

The Lion King, a Disney classic, is many people’s favorite film of all time. And it appears that this film has the ability to emotionally engage more than simply people. A dog reacts to the movie’s saddest sequence in the video below.

Luna, a four-month-old puppy, enjoys watching The Lion King because it engrosses her and makes her completely absorbed in whatever is on the screen at any one time. Simba’s reaction to the loss of his father, Mufasa, is mirrored by Luna’s!

Simba can be seen and heard whimpering at the TV and lying down next to his father, while Luna can be seen and heard whimpering at the TV and lying down. This will change your opinion if you don’t believe dogs have feelings or the ability to grasp what’s going on.

“Seeing her cry in front of the TV was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” her owner, Josh Meyers, said.

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