Unbelievable and beautiful friendship between a deer and a cattle dog

The Harris family has a magical way with deer. In this video, a deer they dubbed Scar is seen licking their family dog, who seems to be enjoying the attention. The deer and the dog have become best buds, which is so sweet! The dog is a cattle dog, which is a remarkable breed! The deer, in turn, gets a nice pet from the Harris family man! The deer is so gentle and tame.


One of the kids gets into the video and hams it up! The presence of the child doesn’t seem to worry the animal. It’s fascinating to see how peacefully deer and humans can live side by side. Because friendships between them are so rare, Scar is unique. Humans have sometimes discovered fawns and reared them as pets. Despite being kept as a pet, Scar continues to reside outside.


Most people say it is an incredibly bad idea to go near a wild deer, but Scar has become one of the family. Most deer will run away if they see a person coming toward them. Scar seems to enjoy everyone in the family, even the dog. Watch this video to see the positive interaction between a dog and a deer.


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