Tiger Made A Lifetime Friend With Goat Who Was Given To Him As Food

Tiger Made A Lifetime Friend With Goat Who Was Given To Him As Food

This is the touching story of Amur the tiger and Timur the goat, who form an unlikely bond.

After Timur was given to Amur as food while still alive, the two became buddies. Instead, they became friends and chose to spend their time together playing, hunting, and simply having fun.

“We still feed Amur live prey twice a week, but we don’t give him goats anymore out of respect for Timur,” said the duo, even as Amur continues to show signs of his carnivorous drive.

What prevented Amur from devouring Timur?

It was entirely due to Timur’s fearlessness; he had never been taught to fear tigers and hence did not display any frightened behavior; “the tiger was perplexed and gave up.”

The two have been a worldwide symbol for finding harmony despite such vast differences.

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