Sick Senior Feral Cat Given A Second Chance And Finally Found Love

Sick Senior Feral Cat Given A Second Chance And Finally Found Love

Imagine being alone on the streets with a slew of significant health problems and no one to turn to for support. Doesn’t it seem tragic? That’s exactly what this gentleman went through four years ago, and no one, not even himself, believed he’d make it, except for one woman. Belvedere’s life was completely transformed the day he met Lindsay Haglund.

Instagram, tomcatbelvedere

Belvedere (or Mr. B for short) used to be a sick cat that lived outside on his own for the majority of his life. Lindsay came upon him while participating in a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project in Florida, and his deplorable state broke her heart right away.

“He’s a tomcat in fairly bad shape,” the nice lady explained. “He had a lot of dental problems and needed to have some teeth pulled.” In addition, he suffers from ear mites and infections. He has FIV+.

He was too old and unwell to be released back into his outside colony after neutering, and the vet suggested euthanizing him. Lindsay, on the other hand, wasn’t ready to give up on her new acquaintance just yet. So she took Mr. B home to try to heal him and socialize him.

Instagram, tomcatbelvedere

Needless to say, it was not a simple task. The more Linday looked, the more issues she discovered. Not to add that, like most feral cats, he was extremely spicy.

She went on to say, “He has a lot of scar tissue and evidence of prior injuries pretty much all over his body.” “Little deposits of bone in his paws where he’d been bitten and healed up, and his X-rays were insane.”‘

Instagram, tomcatbelvedere

Thankfully, Mr. B had developed into a tough, brave critter after many years on the streets. He gradually recovered thanks to Linday’s perseverance, as well as a lot of love and care. The tabby had evolved into a healthy, content, and wonderfully charming cat who understood just how to express his affection for his favorite human after only a few weeks.

It was, of course, time to say our goodbyes. Lindsay took Mr. B all the way to his new home in North California after a beautiful couple in the area fell in love with him. He’d always be content there, she realized.

It didn’t take long for the charming guy to settle in, and he got along pretty well with his new sister River too.

Instagram, tomcatbelvedere

Lindsay later relocated to Corpus Christi, Texas, where she and her friends formed the Coastal Bend Cat Rescue. And, according to her Instagram post, it was Mr. B who encouraged and inspired her to pursue her goal.
“Thank you Mr. B,” she said, “for believing in me enough to take what I had to offer, and for making a tremendous difference in my life when I needed it most.” “In the realm of rescue, it’s commonly said, “Who rescued who?”… and this remarkable guy was no exception. I relocated across the country to South Texas shortly after his rescue.

Mr. B inspired me to start a 501c3 cat rescue @coastalbendcats (with an amazing team of fellow rescuers), and to make rescue & TNR a part of my life forever.”

Watch his moving rescue here:

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