In South Africa, outreach workers with Sidewalk Specials frequently provide dog owners the tools they need to maintain their animals alive, healthy, and safe!

They offer families services, medications, and education for their pets, like sterilization, flea medicine,heart guard, and more. As an organization, Sidewalk Specials is on a mission to meet people where they are and offer resources that help owners become better pet parents.

While they try hard to keep pets with their owners when possible, there are often cases when the neglect is so bad that rehoming the dog is a much better option!

Sometimes the dog’s owners are resistant to the idea, but sometimes, they recognize that their pets aren’t being cared for and they welcome the help – even if it means saying goodbye to their pet forever.

Recently, while conducting outreach, staff visited a home where a little dog in severe condition was present. Pumpkin, a sad pit bull puppy, was trembling and struggling to stand on some rocks.

Rescuers wanted to take the 2-month-old puppy and give him a good home and medical attention, but they weren’t sure how the owner would feel about it. Thankfully,the owner agreed wholeheartedly!

In addition to giving up the little puppy, the owner also agreed to have Pumpkin’s mother sterilized.

Once back at the clinic, they discovered that Pumpkin was “riddled with worms, anaemia, and tick bite fever.” While Pumpkin receives medical care, Sidewalk Specials is working on finding him a loving home to call his own.


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